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Balance is not putting 25% of our energy into each of four things and maintaining. Balance is always changing, it’s more like a dance, sometimes you have to lean one way and other times you need to lean another.

In your life, sometimes your family will require 90% of your energy and there may be some times that work requires a large amount. The point is to put your energy consistently in the areas that you have deemed priorities and make adjustments when necessary.

Live consciously. If you need to put a little more attention to work for a while, don’t leave it there endlessly, make a plan, a plan that fits your priorities. Take care of the responsibilities and then get back to a balanced level where each area is receiving the attention it needs and deserves.

It’s simply a matter of energy…whatever you put energy towards expands. If you don’t put energy towards family, you’ll lose it…same with everything else. You need to ebb and flow with life gracefully, like in dance. If you know things will constantly be shifting and changing, you can go with it without putting all the pressure on yourself.

Often times when one thing is taking a lot of our energy, we feel guilty about the other things. If there’s conscious living and we get back to what our priorities are as soon as possible, we can develop an understanding and trust with those in our lives. Communicate, ebb and flow and enjoy the dance…without all the needless stress it can actually be a lot of fun!

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