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Turning Negatives Into Positives

Let’s start with a quote: “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” ~Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Life does go by fast and the first thing we have to do to turn negatives into positives is slow down so we can make some adjustments. Instead of rushing from one thing to another, absorbing the negativity of countless situations, we need to pay attention to how we’re looking at things. Little things like getting stuck in traffic, dropping something, even getting sick. Very often these are messages trying to capture our attention so we can make the necessary adjustments before something bigger happens. The message is usually life lessons like: slow down, take care of yourself, don’t take things so seriously, laugh more, check your priorities and live by them, etc.

When you look at happy and successful people you’ll notice that they don’t usually see a negative thing as a problem, they most often see it as an opportunity. An opportunity to make a needed adjustment, they view it as information they can use to do things better. This is a highly effective way of thinking as opposed to seeing every negative situation as a road block.

If we can slow down and learn to use the negativity as a learning opportunity, we’ll begin to see that Life happens FOR US, not TO US. So next time something negative happens, you can stop for a moment, think: “okay, I don’t believe there’s a Creator up there that Loves me and is needlessly throwing negative situations at me, there must be something I can learn from here”, then look for the lesson. How can you look at this situation in a way that it would benefit you and your life?

With this thinking you’ll begin being thankful for the lessons instead of a victim of the circumstances. Start with something small and begin training yourself to look for the positive, it’s worth it for your own happiness’ sake!

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