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Stop Playing The Victim

One of the most common ailments in our society is the victim-mentality. This can play out in countless ways including people thinking they have bad luck, born on the wrong side of the tracks, not getting the breaks, can’t get ahead, it always happens to me, etc., etc. Quite honestly, we all do it to some degree. So although you may know someone who does it constantly, don’t be so quick to look at them and judge. Instead, look at your own life and see where it applies in your own world.

We all have a choice about what we do in our lives and we often forget that. You don’t have to stay at a job you don’t like, begin job searching for thirty minutes a day and you can often find something else. You don’t have to stay in an unhappy relationship, you can leave.

What we have to do is stop focusing on the problem and start looking for the solution. No one ever solved a problem by focusing on it. No excuses, no poor me, just facts. This is where I am…fact. Look for what the first step is to changing things and do that, then look for the next step and take that, etc. Do not try to have the next ten steps and the total solution figured out before you take step one. That is a trick to keep you stuck.

No one can see the future, you don’t know what doors may open down the road or even who you will become after taking a couple steps. We literally change as a person as we take each step. We become more hopeful, enthusiastic and capable as we take each step. Therefore, the person taking step number seven is not the person standing in front of step number one. Your brain is working differently, you’re solving problems, you’re empowered, it’s exciting! Your self-love and self-confidence begins to grow and you can accomplish more than you knew!

So stop looking at the problem and look for step one of the solution, you haven’t walked this path yet so you won’t be able to see how it plays out. Just know this, you aren’t meant to be unhappy and unfulfilled so if you start walking in the direction of your dreams, you’ll have the whole Universe conspiring in your favor to make it happen!

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